Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I write to all 4 or 5 of you from Portland, OR. I am currently enjoying my last spring break and I can't tell you how great it has been to sit and enjoy not doing much of anything except to drink coffee, take pictures, read, watch movies, and have good conversations with old and new friends.

Portland is a strange city. I flew in over a sea of lights that strangely had the ability to comfort me through my bumpy flight. Its odd to be introduced to a city and further more want to stay in that city when it changes its weather pattern more than I change my mind about what profession I want to pursue. But somehow Portland has the ability to make me love it despite the weather.

For some reason I've always wanted to see Reed College (which is in Portland). I had this idea about what it like was ever since I read Donald Millers Blue Like Jazz book. Today my friend Erin and i drove over to see the campus and it was so small. maybe a couple of city blocks long and there wasn't anything that really stood out about it. I kept imagining the huge festival that happens there every year, the one that everyone hears about... if you haven't heard about it, Reed has this weekend festival where all of the students get high, or try out different drugs. They even bring in a special emergency response team called the white dot that helps treat people that are having bad "drug trips." Anyway, I had a hard time picturing everything that Don talks about. It seemed so quiet and intellectual that a lot of the things he describes in his books... I couldn't quiet picture it for myself.

Yesterday, we went downtown and I was able to get some pretty good pictures, I will post those later this week if i remember. I also saw some pretty cool shops that were so original and made the city feel unique. Tomorrow, Erin and our friend Matt are heading to the coast. I think its going to be really fun, both of them have heard of some great places to check out while we are out there.

I hope everyone is doing well and check back in the next couple of days because I should have some other posts up for you guys to read about somethings I have been working on for a little while. Love as always to all of you.