We went down to the Africa section and that might have been my favorite. The art being displayed was very bold. There was a chair that was made out of guns and knives and michetti's(sp?). The art has a lot to do with the genocide and the war that has gone on in that country and is still going on, but at the same time they had a wall of masks that people wore during ceremonial dances and when these people danced.... I mean they danced. They had videos of it and it was beautiful. It was tribal dancing but it wasn't at the same time. The way the people moved and the way their faces looked while they were doing it... I wish I could see it in person. I don't think I'm really giving it a great description.
After, the British Museum we went to the War Museum. I was with my friend Brittany and Austin and we walked down to the basement because they had displays of World War 1 and World War 2. The displays consisted of officers uniforms and weapons they used during the war, they also had letters that soldiers had written to their families and friends. There were a couple of displays that showed what rationing looked like, as well as what women and children were wearing during the time. We then went straight up to the holocaust floor, and spent about two hours in that wing of the museum. I've always been very fascinated about world war 2 and concentration camps. I don't feel comfortable saying I love learning about it because its a very sobering subject as well as violent. I also think that in America we tend to romantisize the world wars and we kind of forget that it was horrible until we see an exhibition like this. However, I could have spent hours in that museum reading every display discription as well as watching the video interviews with some of the survivors.
Here are some pictures.
Part of a tomb wall from Assyria.
Close up of some soldiers on a tomb from Egypt.
Mummy from
Mummy Decorations?
The War Museum
Part of the Berlin Wall
World War One Uniforms
World War One
Different types of Lugars.
Shoes collected at Aushwitz
Prison Uniforms at Aushwitz
1 comment:
I LOVEEEEEE the mummy pics!! soo cool! so so cool to is my blog its
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