Most everything is beautiful to look at, even the ugly and the dirty parts. Their culture is similar to america but more polite and considerate of other people, the Subway(or tube as they call it) is clean and doesn't smell bad and everyone uses it. Even the tube stations are pleasing to look at. Its such a difference to be in a place where people seem to care about the places that surround them, I mean maybe there is a huge fine if you are caught littering but still theres a pretty huge fine in America if you litter and people still do it. I mean I've done it, not often but I totally have, everyone has. Anyway, People don't litter here. I have yet to see trash in the streets and at first I thought it was just in the tourist places that there wasn't going to be any trash but even at my college and the surrounding neighborhoods, its all clean.
I walked over to Westminister Abby yesterday and sat on the grass for about 20 minutes looking at this wonderful church, noticing the tiny details that made this place so big. I couldn't really take it all in. I think you can understand what I mean by looking at the photos.
I got lost several times and it took me over 40 mins to get back to where I was sappost to meet my friends. Not so much fun, but I guess somewhat necessary in order to become familiar with this city.
Today I went to church at St. Pauls Cathedral. It was built by a man named Christopher Wren in 1668, after it burned down like 3 or 4 times. It was the most ornate church I have even been in. I mean I haven't been to Rome yet so I better not say that, but I'm just going to say that those old catholics liked their churches.
Anyway, the london symphony played at church and all the songs were sung in latin which was awesome, but I really couldn't concentrate because they had us stand almost the whole time and My feet are so soar from walking around eveywhere, so all my concentration was going into not falling over. The main priest that gave the mass was a woman, which really surprised me... I didn't know that catholics were about that but she was so cool, she sang a lot during the service and with the acoustics in that church it sounded like something out of Lord of the Rings. I really could have listened to her all day.
I don't really have any more thoughts at the moment, mainly because I'm tired and in need of food. I'm now going to a store to try and find something cheap and inexpensive for dinner. I'll try and upload pictures soon, but I'm trying to not take a ton because I don't want to come off more american than my accent makes me.
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